Album rodzinny: Rodzina Szlachtycz (Shlatz) – USA


From the left: Stephen,Ellery and his wife Helen, the girl with a dog – Helen, Ivan and Kateryna Szlachtycz

The Szlachtycz family from Ulucz:

Ivan Szlachtycz born in Ulucz, 1882.

Ivan & Kateryna Szlachtycz  – left Ulucz for America in 1905.

Myron (the oldest child)  rejoined his parents a few years after they arrived in the Usa. My Uncle died maybe 20 yrs ago ,I am 62,The best sequence of events that I have is they worked the Coal Mines in Pottsville,Pa ( but I must tell you I have no Hard evidence of that and only rumours from aunts and uncles whose stories were all a little different ) The oldest sister by the cenus report was born in WV.MY grandparents after working in PA Coal mines after a views years moved to Enfield,Ct and bought land( They were landowners & farmers in Ulucz and they were losing there farm I was told and the reason they they left for the Usa )Myron moved to Binghamton,Ny where a large Ukranian population to this day still exist.My grandparents grew potatoes,Tobacco ,peaches,in the very fertile Ct River Valley on 60 acres of land and while poor during the depression were successful.I never knew my Grandfather but my Grandmother Kateryna took care of me everyday after school as my mother did not live with us next to the farm.I have no pictures of them only photos I have seen is when I went to Binghamton,Ny to vist my uncle every now and the.My brother has a HUGE painting in his house of Ulucz over looking the SAN and the church is there it is beautiful.My dad owned it prior.But yes it is quite possible they came in through Canada.What Port did many come from in 1905?Any ideas?

Well the (SHLATZ/SZLACHTYCZ ) is quite large but here goes my grandparents from ULUCZ:

IVAN Szlachtycz (John ) & KATERYNA ( Katherina) had 7 children:

Myron Szlachtycz ( UNCLE):Deceased lived in Binghamton,Ny,

Elarry Szlachtycz ( Uncle )lived in Enfield ,Ct,and took over the farm,60 acres ( grew potatoes,tobbacco & peaches) from Ivan( I lived next door on a parcel of land of the farm )

Walter Szlachtycz( Uncle)lived on farm also & operated package store there,

Alexander Szlachtycz( Uncle & my name sake) Deceased in a diving accident )

Mary ( Aunt )still living in W.Springfield ,Ma,

Helen( Aunt )Deceased lived all here life in Enfield,Ct area,

Stephen Wasly (Alex’s dad) :Deceased lived all his live in Enfield next to the farm but was a machinist.


Somethings of note the son MYRON was left behind in Ulucz for a few years and stayed with relatives there before coming to the USA and lived in Binghamton,NY worked for IBM as a machinist his whole life,His son MYRON Jr.( Cousin )is still alive and worked for IBM also as a Mechanical Engineer.( Retired )his Daughter Kathi who is slightly younger then me ( 62 ) is who I see the most lives in the Binghamton,Ny. area.


Alex Shlatz ( Szlachtycz), Florida, March 2014.



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    • Alex Shlatz on 31 marca 2014 at 20:16
    • Odpowiedz

    Thank you Irek for posting my family pictures this a job well done.If any one knows the exact plot of where they lived in Ulucz( I beleive near where the river forms a horse shoe )and any other info about them it would be greatly appreciated.If any one knows what port they left from and/or port in USA/Canada. they arrived at or ship mthey were on ,I believe they came to the USA in 1905 and Ivan was 23 at the time.

    Thank you ,alex shlatz

  1. Thanks for posting this, Cousin Alex!
    Just a few updates;
    My Grandfather, Myron Shlatz senior – first born son of Ivan and Kateryna, settled in Johnson City, NY. He attended Saint John’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Johnson City and worked most of his life at ANSCO as a tool and die maker.
    My father, Myron F Shlatz grew up in Johnson City and worked at IBM. He still attends St. John’s.
    And p.s. – I am only in my early 50’s!! LOL

      • Anna Poliwko-Kuszyna on 12 września 2017 at 23:46
      • Odpowiedz

      We have pictures of Myron Shlatz as a chil and later pictures of his family in the USA(wife Barbara, children Kathy and Rick). I am sure we are talking about you, your brother and parents. Your father must be my father’s (Igor Poliwka) family by „Poliwka link”. Alex Shlatz posted my grandfather’s (Wołodymyr Poliwka) picture and described him as your grandgrandmather’s (Kateryna Shlatz, nee Poliwka) brother. Wołodymyr Poliwka was born in 1909 so he must have been much younger than Kateryna. Your father can know the answer. He can name the family connection between himself and my father Igor Poliwko.

  2. Kathi,

    Thanks for placing a comment regarding the Szlachtycz family. It’s been a surprise to find out that one of the Ulucz descendants apperas to be an artist-painter !
    I really like your painting: ” 26 – Ukrainian village -Ulucz,Poland” !!

    Perhaps we could posted on the Ulucz web- obviously if you agreed to that?

    How about preparing the Szlachtycz family tree?

    Take care.


    • danylo szlachtycz on 13 kwietnia 2014 at 05:46
    • Odpowiedz

    Hi Alex,

    we might have a common great great grandfather
    can you contact me at my hotmail: d_shlakh at hotmail dot com


    • Alex Shlatz on 26 kwietnia 2014 at 23:11
    • Odpowiedz

    Thanks to Danylo Szlachtycz I have found the answer to what years and where and how my Grandfather and Grandfather got to the USA .UPDATE from previous statements MY GRAND FATHER Ivan/Jan ( John in the USA )Szlachtycz/Szlachcic came to the USA in 1909 and my Grandmother Katherine( USA spelling ) came to the USA in 1912,Both came thru immagration in New York,New York Ellis Island.The
    info I am still looking for is this where exactly did my grandparents live in Ulucz ( I am going to vist Ulucz in a year or two. )I also have a uncle MIron who left Ulucz in 1925 for Binghamton ,Ny.USA .Also if anyone knows where my grandfather IVan/Jan/John Szlachtycz/Szlachcic went after he arrived in the USA that would be be great I believe he went to Pottsville,Pa. to work the Coal mines before saving up enough money to buy the 60 acre farm in Ct. I now believe my grandmother went directly to the farm in Enfield,Ct from Ny,NY to raise 6 children there and help grow Tobacco and Potatoes there.If anyone has other info about them in Ulucz or the USA please let me know.Alex Shlatz ,Homosassa,Fl. USA

      • Anna Poliwko-Kuszyna on 12 lutego 2018 at 01:03
      • Odpowiedz

      I have found Miron Szlachtycz record on a passenger list (Ellis Island records) from 1925. He was 17 years old and his destination written down in the passenger list was Hazardville, Connecticut. Thanks to this finding I was able to recall the name of my grandgrandfather (father of Kateryna Szkachtycz/nee Poliwka and Wołodymyr Poliwka – my gradfather, father of Igor Poliwko). His name was Hilary Poliwka. He is mentioned at this Ellis Island record as a nearest relative who had taken care of his grandson – Myron Szlachtycz.

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